
Before you can truly love someone else, you must love yourself.
You can never fully give someone your love if you haven't found it in yourself..
- if you can't write a book, review em xoxo

Sunday 9 September 2012

The Fallen Star Series - Jessica Sorensen

The Fallen Star Series - Jessica Sorensen

You know that saying ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover’? Well I think it’s safe to say a lot of people don’t follow this saying, me being one of them. I originally looked at the Fallen Star book because I thought the cover was beautiful, the story sounded alright and having nothing else to read I picked it up and read it. Turns out the book was even better than it’s pretty cover. The story was unique I read the first three books that were already out in a matter of a few days.. After what seemed like a year wait for the fourth book it did not disappoint. This series I think is my absolute favourite of all the series I have read.

The imagination behind every little aspect of the book was well thought out. There was so much put into this that made it what it was and without it, it wouldn’t be the book I loved so much.
Gemma and Alex’s relationship starts off as hating each other yet they are drawn to each other in some ways because of what they are and others just because they like each other.

The characters were absolutely fantastic! Alex was a jerk towards Gemma at first, sometimes with good reason and at other times just because he was a moody jerk. He did have some redeeming qualities about him though take out his extremely attractive looks, green eyes, and messy-but-in-an-intentional way hair he cared about Gemma and would do anything for her.
Gemma was a living breathing human for half her life who didn’t feel emotions until a special someone came around. Dealing with these new found emotions, a jerk of a guy she can’t stand but feel attracted to and a star that will come into play, she is pushed into a world she didn’t know existed.
There’s Asylon, Alex’s sister. Who you come to know a bit more towards the end of the series. And then there's Laylon the non-killing Vampire who him and Gemma form a friendship, and is the first person in all the madness of her life tells her the truth.
I think though my favourite character would have to be the mischievous Nicholas though, they say don’t trust a fairy and they are right on with that one. Nicholas plays a big part in the book and with all his crap he is really funny.

Such a great series and is most definitely worth your time, if you haven’t already read it.

A 5 Star Series!!

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