
Before you can truly love someone else, you must love yourself.
You can never fully give someone your love if you haven't found it in yourself..
- if you can't write a book, review em xoxo

Sunday 9 September 2012

Easy - Tammara Webber Review

Easy - Tammara Webber

So I have just finished reading this book and if you want precise times it’s about 2:11 in the morning. I thought I might review it while my mind was still doing cartwheels over how amazing it was! Call me crazy...

I have learned three things from this book..

1. Being that girls should stick together. When in a crisis no matter what world (sorority) you come from, we’re one in the same, girls should be able to rely on each other and fight a problem that arises.
 Speaking up.
2. Talking up when something needs to be said, say it. Keeping things in isn’t always healthy and talking to someone might be the solution you didn’t think you needed.
3. And lastly, love. It can be crazy, confusing, beautiful, complicated and hard but in some twisted way it should be easy...

...And that brings me back to the story. There were so many twists and turns of events in this book  and given my initial thoughts, I was wrong about a lot; of how I thought this story would go.
Jacqueline our main girl, was someone that was interesting to read. She didn’t make decisions that would leave you going “are you stupid?” but in ways I felt I could relate to the things she did.
You can see that her character grows throughout the book and she learns from her mistakes. I think a main thing she learnt for me was that she didn’t need a guy to make her happy, she knew that even after finding someone, she would be okay without one. Her world wouldn’t stop spinning, she did it once she could do it again.
I absolutely loved Lucas. He was a great character and he was unique in his own ways. There are things about him that made me question a lot, but once I found out about his sad past I couldn’t help but feel attached to the boy with grey blue eyes, and ghost of a smile.

I really like that the story wasn’t just about Jacqueline moving on and learning to love again, although it played a big role in the book. The book was also filled with learning to fight back, putting your trust in the people you should, and learning independence.

My favourite parts of the book were
The steamy scenes between Lucas and Jacqueline (obviously).. And when I say steamy I mean hot hot hot.
 Lucas, he was a moving character who played a huge role in the book! Who doesn’t love a dark and tortured guy who has an artistic side?
And Jacqueline’s best friend/roommate ‘Erin’. She was the definition of a true friend.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and can’t believe it took me this long to pick it up. A must read by Miss Webber and I look forward other books from her to come.

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