
Before you can truly love someone else, you must love yourself.
You can never fully give someone your love if you haven't found it in yourself..
- if you can't write a book, review em xoxo

Saturday 8 September 2012

Angelfall - Susan Ee Review

Angelfall - Susan Ee

Not many books have the ability to have me hooked from the very first chapter, now that I think about it none have until this one.
Not even some of my all time favourites like The Fallen Star or How to Ruin A Summer Vacation...

In a future where angels take their place on earth claiming rights to a home that isn’t theirs, people are left fighting for their lives. Penryn is busy trying to keep safe her unstable mother and little sister Paige stuck in a wheel chair, but running for your life isn’t always easy. Paige is stolen by an angel and her mother has run off again (it wouldn’t be the first time). Penryn takes an injured (extremely attractive) angel under her wing (haha wing get it?) in the hopes of getting it to help her get her little sister back, and if that fails there's always a plan B. She has his wings that were cut off.

After much deliberation and sleeping from the angel he agrees to help her but not without anything in return.. As the story goes on Raffe and Penryn become frenemies I guess you could say, growing closer and forming feelings both of them should not be feeling for the other. A lot happens during the book to leave your heart pounding.
Fighting for your life comes at a price and saving the people you love isn’t always easy.

I loved this book so much I honestly can’t put it into words.. If you could see my face right now that would probably sum it up a little. But seeings you can’t your just going to have to take my word for it. The next book doesn’t come out until 2013 sometime, lets hope I don’t go into a depressive state waiting for it before then..

★Favourite quotes from the book★:

'Raffe: “I knew from the start that your loyalty would get you killed. I just never thought it would be your loyalty to me that would do it”'

'Penryn: I never thought it before, but I’m proud to be human. We’re ever so flawed, We’re frail, confused, violent, and we struggle with so many issues. But all in all, I’’m proud to be a daughter of man.'

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