
Before you can truly love someone else, you must love yourself.
You can never fully give someone your love if you haven't found it in yourself..
- if you can't write a book, review em xoxo

Sunday 9 September 2012

Immortal City - Scott Speer Review

Immortal City - Scott Speer

Wow. No seriously. WOW. This book was so.friggin.good.
I thought the first chapter was good but nope not compared to the rest. This was one of those books that just kept getting better and better and when you think it can’t possibly do much else, it surprises you.
      The world is now aware of angels, forget movie stars and singers Angels are the new celebrities, and their job is to save people. For a price of course, saving lives isn’t for free. Jacks is nearly finished his training and being one of the most well known angels, everyone is dying for him to be theirs. But what happens when he falls for a girl not from his world, a girl beautiful and average yet not starstruck by him, but here comes the best part. She doesn’t even know him.
Maddy is an average girl who thinks the whole angel thing is stupid and while the rest of the world are swooning over the angels Maddy couldn’t care less. Her routine consists of going to school, working at her uncles diner and figuring out where to go to college. After meeting the angel Jacks at her uncles diner one night, she doesn’t think anything of him except for maybe his good looks. A turn of events goes down between the craziness of the life Jacks lives and the opposite of it that Maddy lives.
Some things can’t be prevented and the feelings that grow between Jacks and Maddie can’t be ignored for much longer.

Angels can only save the people that they have been chosen to, and theres a reason for that. So what happends when the person they love needs saving and they aren’t the one they’ve been chosen to?

This story was so amazing and had me reading to the early mornings when I should have been getting my beauty rest. I will say though a few dark circles under the eyes were worth it to finish this book. The ending was jaw dropping (that would be putting it lightly) and I am super excited for the second book!

Favourite quote from the book:

‘“Will you listen to me just this once?” he nearly yelled. “ I...I like you, Maddy. I mean, more than just as a friend. Are you so stubborn you can’t see that? Maybe last night meant nothing to you, but it meant something to me.” His eyes were vulnerable, almost tortured. “Did you ever even consider that I might love you, you stubborn, impossible girl?”1

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