
Before you can truly love someone else, you must love yourself.
You can never fully give someone your love if you haven't found it in yourself..
- if you can't write a book, review em xoxo

Sunday 9 September 2012

Signifigance - Shelly Crane Review

Significance - Shelly Crane

I had gone past this book a million times on goodreads before I decided to actually read it, I’m a sucker for romance but cringe at corny sappy love talk (sometimes). I had a feeling this would be one of those instantaneous love books where the main characters fall in love after a day (I cannot stand books like that), but even though Maggie and Caleb feel the connection and see little parts of their lives together after only meeting minutes before hand, their relationship doesn’t move too fast and for that I was extremely happy.

I loved the whole complex of the book and what it all meant to be ones significant it was really fascinating to read, I never wanted to put the book down. Considering I wasn’t sure about this read and the plot line sounded a little corny I absolutely loved every minute of the story. It was one of those books where you sit up at night thinking “okay just one more page and then I’ll go to sleep”. I didn’t put the book down until my eyelids closed on their own will.

The characters were great and the more you read, the more you liked them. Caleb was a very caring person who had grown up knowing about his family and what it meant to find a significant, Maggie on the other hand didn’t. Caleb was always sure to make Maggie as comftorable with the situation as possible. Maggie was an independant character who was happy with the person she was, which was a great change from the insecure damels in destress.
Calebs family was great I loved how close they all were and how welcoming of Maggie they were, the family members were different and unique in their own ways.
Even the villains in this story were amazing, I loved Marcus he was truly evil but always kept me fascinated as to what he was going to do next.

All in all this was a great read and I had a lot of fun reading it. There was always something going on that would keep me turning the pages until the last.
The story was full of romance and action & I recommend this for those of you who love paranormal romance with kick ass story lines!!
Will definetly be reading this whole series this book did not dissapoint!

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