
Before you can truly love someone else, you must love yourself.
You can never fully give someone your love if you haven't found it in yourself..
- if you can't write a book, review em xoxo

Sunday 9 September 2012

Something Like Normal - Trish Doller Review

Something Like Normal - Trish Doller

I think I spent more time staring at this book then I did reading it. I spent so much time wondering if I should read it or not that I could have finished it by the time I made my decision.

This book took me on such an emotional journey, I felt everything the main character Travis did. When he hurt I felt it and when he woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare I was experiencing the hurt and loss right along with him.
The friendships Travis made and especially the one he formed with Charlie was so touching and made me realize how important it is to have true friends, Travis would have died for him. Isn’t that what friendship is? Having a friend that would die for you but never letting them because they mean as much to you as you do to them?

I didn’t realize how much the book was going to move me. I thought it was going to be another boy meets girl after not seeing each other in years, girl realizes she missed boy, boy realizes he misses girl, they both fall in love.. The end.. But no, it wasn’t like that at all. The book was more based on what Travis went through while being in the army and how he learnt to get through it all afterwards. Harper played a huge part in that and although she didn’t go through what Travis did, she was there for him the only way she could be.

After signing up and doing his years, Travis comes home to a family with problems, a brother who has stolen his girlfriend and a love that was found somewhere unexpected. Throughout this book Travis picks up the pieces of a mess he left behind and leaves the ones that are right where they need to be.

This book truly moved me and had me crying, laughing and smiling. It was one of those books that has definitely left an impression and will leave me remembering long after the last page has been turned..

★Favourite Quotes from this Book:★

Travis: “He was the person that all of us should be, but most of us aren’t. And if I could have taken his place to buy him a little more time in the world, I’d have done it. I’m sorry I couldn’t.”

“I don’t know if my life will ever be completely normal again, but something like normal is a good start”

Easy - Tammara Webber Review

Easy - Tammara Webber

So I have just finished reading this book and if you want precise times it’s about 2:11 in the morning. I thought I might review it while my mind was still doing cartwheels over how amazing it was! Call me crazy...

I have learned three things from this book..

1. Being that girls should stick together. When in a crisis no matter what world (sorority) you come from, we’re one in the same, girls should be able to rely on each other and fight a problem that arises.
 Speaking up.
2. Talking up when something needs to be said, say it. Keeping things in isn’t always healthy and talking to someone might be the solution you didn’t think you needed.
3. And lastly, love. It can be crazy, confusing, beautiful, complicated and hard but in some twisted way it should be easy...

...And that brings me back to the story. There were so many twists and turns of events in this book  and given my initial thoughts, I was wrong about a lot; of how I thought this story would go.
Jacqueline our main girl, was someone that was interesting to read. She didn’t make decisions that would leave you going “are you stupid?” but in ways I felt I could relate to the things she did.
You can see that her character grows throughout the book and she learns from her mistakes. I think a main thing she learnt for me was that she didn’t need a guy to make her happy, she knew that even after finding someone, she would be okay without one. Her world wouldn’t stop spinning, she did it once she could do it again.
I absolutely loved Lucas. He was a great character and he was unique in his own ways. There are things about him that made me question a lot, but once I found out about his sad past I couldn’t help but feel attached to the boy with grey blue eyes, and ghost of a smile.

I really like that the story wasn’t just about Jacqueline moving on and learning to love again, although it played a big role in the book. The book was also filled with learning to fight back, putting your trust in the people you should, and learning independence.

My favourite parts of the book were
The steamy scenes between Lucas and Jacqueline (obviously).. And when I say steamy I mean hot hot hot.
 Lucas, he was a moving character who played a huge role in the book! Who doesn’t love a dark and tortured guy who has an artistic side?
And Jacqueline’s best friend/roommate ‘Erin’. She was the definition of a true friend.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and can’t believe it took me this long to pick it up. A must read by Miss Webber and I look forward other books from her to come.

The Lost Soul - Jessica Sorensen Review

The Lost Soul - Jessica Sorensen

You can imagine how excited I was when I found out that there was going to be a spin off series to the fallen star! To say I was speechless would be an understatement, even though that was what I was for the rest of the day. I spent ten minutes staring at my computer screen before I started my happy dance.

I only had to wait a few days for this to come out because I didn’t know about it. I was a little worried that adding more to the story after the fallen star series would be a little too much but boy was I wrong!
This book was just as good as the rest of them. It was great being able to read about Gemma and Alex now that they can actually be together without killing each other. They still had disagreements and little fights but that is what makes their relationship what it is.
They saved the world once and they can do it again. So they thought.

This new series is about the lost souls Gemma came across after going to the afterlife. There’s more twists and turns and with Stephan and the death walkers gone everyone thought there problems were gone.. They thought wrong. They have a whole new problem to deal with this time and instead of death walkers and an evil guy with the mark of malifiscus they have lost souls and an evil queen of the after life that wants to take over.. No problem right?

I loved this book so much and cant wait for the next one in the series to come out which according to Jessica Sorensen will be out late October early November!

Immortal City - Scott Speer Review

Immortal City - Scott Speer

Wow. No seriously. WOW. This book was so.friggin.good.
I thought the first chapter was good but nope not compared to the rest. This was one of those books that just kept getting better and better and when you think it can’t possibly do much else, it surprises you.
      The world is now aware of angels, forget movie stars and singers Angels are the new celebrities, and their job is to save people. For a price of course, saving lives isn’t for free. Jacks is nearly finished his training and being one of the most well known angels, everyone is dying for him to be theirs. But what happens when he falls for a girl not from his world, a girl beautiful and average yet not starstruck by him, but here comes the best part. She doesn’t even know him.
Maddy is an average girl who thinks the whole angel thing is stupid and while the rest of the world are swooning over the angels Maddy couldn’t care less. Her routine consists of going to school, working at her uncles diner and figuring out where to go to college. After meeting the angel Jacks at her uncles diner one night, she doesn’t think anything of him except for maybe his good looks. A turn of events goes down between the craziness of the life Jacks lives and the opposite of it that Maddy lives.
Some things can’t be prevented and the feelings that grow between Jacks and Maddie can’t be ignored for much longer.

Angels can only save the people that they have been chosen to, and theres a reason for that. So what happends when the person they love needs saving and they aren’t the one they’ve been chosen to?

This story was so amazing and had me reading to the early mornings when I should have been getting my beauty rest. I will say though a few dark circles under the eyes were worth it to finish this book. The ending was jaw dropping (that would be putting it lightly) and I am super excited for the second book!

Favourite quote from the book:

‘“Will you listen to me just this once?” he nearly yelled. “ I...I like you, Maddy. I mean, more than just as a friend. Are you so stubborn you can’t see that? Maybe last night meant nothing to you, but it meant something to me.” His eyes were vulnerable, almost tortured. “Did you ever even consider that I might love you, you stubborn, impossible girl?”1

Onyx - Jennifer L. Armentrout Review

Onyx - Jennifer L. Armentrout

After reading Onyx I feel the same way I did about Obsidian, left feeling extremely satisfied and begging for more and then there’s the depression that comes next knowing I’m going to have to wait a few more months for the next book.

This book was even better than the first and that’s saying something. The story was such a roller coaster and there were a lot of times where something totally unexpected would happen and surprise me, leaving me to question what was going to happen next..
A lot more happened in the second book, and I feel like most second books the story is really starting to go somewhere fascinating. I love how there wasn’t just a Daemons side of the story to tell while Katy sat back and took it all in, she has her own part now wanting you to find out more and more until there was no more pages left. Her and Daemon being connected changed things not just for Daemon but for Katy too.

The characters go into more depth in the second book, you find out a lot more about Dawson and Bethany and not just about their past but their present. A few things happened that left me going dumb struck.
You also meet a few new characters, ones you think you may trust and then turn out to be the opposite of trustworthy. Like the first book the new characters were unique, interesting and not in any way boring.

Daemon try's to prove that he likes Katy and it’s not just because of their newfound connection, throughout the book they try to figure out what caused it and you learn about what it means as the story progresses. But don’t worry even though Daemon is trying to play nice guy he definitely does not lack in the smart ass and cocky parts of his charming personality. Nearing the end of the book Daemon showed more caring qualities of himself and you could see he genuinely cared about Katy. I felt all sorts of emotions while reading this book depending on what part I was up to. There were times I couldn’t help laughing and there were times I couldn’t help but tear up a bit.
By the end of the book I think Katy and Daemon learn to trust each other and it’s useless to pretend they don’t have feelings for one another anymore, the cards are all out on the table and I’m super excited for book three!

Obsidian - Jennifer L. Armentrout

Obsidian - Jennifer L. Armentrout

This book was not what I expected but in a good unexepcted kind of way.
I will admit at first I wasn’t so sure, and was getting a little bored at the start but as I got more into it I absolutely could not put it down.
After reading this book I will never think of aliens the same. When most of us hear the word alien we think slimy, green, long fingered ET’s, right? Well this book changed my whole perspective on them and taught me to be more open minded.

When Katy and her mum move towns after the loss of her dad they try to find a new start in a small town. The new neighbours next door are mysterious and after getting off to a rocky start with the hot brother Damen, Katy becomes friends with the twin Dee. Theres something off about the sibblings next door and as the story progesses you find out why.
I loved jeniffers take on aliens and the fact they weren’t weird creatures but people of light, it was new and different and I liked it.
The whole dynamics of the story from what it was about and how it was written, was done extremely well. The plot was really interesting and it was a great change from your normal angel/faerie/vampire kind of books, it did not dissapoint in the unique factor.

I loved Katy and Damens love/hate relationship, Damen was a jerk a lot of the time and had me wanting to choke him more than once. There were times he would show other sides of himself (nicer sides) but then it was like he remembered he had to be a jerk and I would be left going “noo you were getting along stop being a grade A douchebag”!
He was very protective of his sister and you could tell how much he cared about her. Family is definetly important to him and Dee.
Katy was a strong headed independent person who could hold her own and had me cheering throughout the story, she was different and I loved that she liked to read and blog. It was a good change to have a character in the book who wasn’t so obsessed with a guy that everything else became unimportant.
The other characters in the book were great and I didn’t not like any of them imperticular.

The story was definetly fascinating and had me turning the pages wondering what was next. I can’t exactly explain what it was that drew me in but it did and was one of the best books I have read in a while. The book had me forgetting where I was and laughing out loud, and in return getting weird looks from people around me.
A 5 star read for me, will definetly be reading the next book Onyx.

Signifigance - Shelly Crane Review

Significance - Shelly Crane

I had gone past this book a million times on goodreads before I decided to actually read it, I’m a sucker for romance but cringe at corny sappy love talk (sometimes). I had a feeling this would be one of those instantaneous love books where the main characters fall in love after a day (I cannot stand books like that), but even though Maggie and Caleb feel the connection and see little parts of their lives together after only meeting minutes before hand, their relationship doesn’t move too fast and for that I was extremely happy.

I loved the whole complex of the book and what it all meant to be ones significant it was really fascinating to read, I never wanted to put the book down. Considering I wasn’t sure about this read and the plot line sounded a little corny I absolutely loved every minute of the story. It was one of those books where you sit up at night thinking “okay just one more page and then I’ll go to sleep”. I didn’t put the book down until my eyelids closed on their own will.

The characters were great and the more you read, the more you liked them. Caleb was a very caring person who had grown up knowing about his family and what it meant to find a significant, Maggie on the other hand didn’t. Caleb was always sure to make Maggie as comftorable with the situation as possible. Maggie was an independant character who was happy with the person she was, which was a great change from the insecure damels in destress.
Calebs family was great I loved how close they all were and how welcoming of Maggie they were, the family members were different and unique in their own ways.
Even the villains in this story were amazing, I loved Marcus he was truly evil but always kept me fascinated as to what he was going to do next.

All in all this was a great read and I had a lot of fun reading it. There was always something going on that would keep me turning the pages until the last.
The story was full of romance and action & I recommend this for those of you who love paranormal romance with kick ass story lines!!
Will definetly be reading this whole series this book did not dissapoint!

Ember (Death Collectors) - Jessica Sorensen Review

Ember (The Death Collectors #1) - Jessica Sorenson

Jessica Sorensen did not dissapoint with her new series - The Death Collectors -
When I first started this book I wasn’t sure of what to expect but I did have my expectations pretty high considering Jessica Sorensen is one of my favourite authors. The book did not lack in the imagination department, it was a great page turner.

All the characters were great and went into enough detail to ensure that you knew them well enough to understand their relationship with Ember.
I loved Raven the bestfriend, but you never knew when to trust her and by the end of the book she had you wondering whether her mind was her own.
Asher was totally swoonworthy for me, with his dark looks and mysterious past, which we still don’t know much about. Then there was Cameron the attractive and also very mysterious new neighbour, something always seemed off about him for me but you don’t find out what or if anything until the end.

The plot of the story was really great and I really enjoyed trying to figure out what everything meant. I got a little confused sometimes while trying to figure out what was going on but as I got further into the book things started to click a little more, and I think the second book will help my brain fuzziness too. Considering the first book was so great I’m so anxious to read the second and knowing Jessica Sorensen, they just keep getting better as the series goes on.

Rating: 4 1/2 Stars
✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

Favourite quote of the book: Ember: “Sometimes I think maybe life is just one big test, to see how long we can survive”

A Midsummers Nightmare - Kody Keplinger Review

A Midsummer’s Nightmare - Kody Keplinger

This was such a fun book to read but it also held a lot of meaning to it aswell.
After finally graduating highschool Whitley spends the summer at her dads new home with his new family. This was not what she signed up for and to make matters worse the guy she had a one night stand with on graduation night is going to be her new step brother yippee. Whitley turns to the only things she knows to escape, drinking and partying.
The book was hilarious a lot of the time and I can’t imagine being put into that situation. Nathan was actually a really nice guy, I felt sorry for him, with all the bitchiness Whitley was sending off. I can’t imagine sleeping with a guy who woke up the next morning, asked for your number and you said no thinking your never going to see him again and then, there he is with the famiy that will soon be half yours.

As the summer goes on things go from worse, to worse. The way Whitley felt about her dads new family was understandable but it was hard not to like her dads new soon to be wife, she was so nice and caring towards Whitley.
Nathan and Whitely start to hang out and get along but things get tricky when they realise they both are about to be step siblings. The book ended nicely and everything played out really well, I enjoyed reading this book. It was a good summer read, not too long but not too short either.

Kody Keplinger another book well done.

Favourite quotes from the book:

‘“Are you guys getting to know eac hother pretty well? I’m sure it’s a little awkward at first.”
“Yeah” I said “I’d say we’re getting to know each other *really* well. Wouldn’t you, Nathan?”
He kicked me under the table and mouthed, *not funny*’

‘“I want more. I want everything. I want you.”
“I’m not settling for less, Whitley,” he said “and neither should you”’

Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire Review

Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire

Going into this book I was unsure, a lot of people recommended it to me and it had high ratings so I thought why not? Turns out I am another massive overly obsessed fan of this book! This was a story so full of passion and depth that I could not put it down until I finished it. I absolutely devoured it!

Abby and her bestfriend America have just started at college and at the start of the book they end up at a fighting rink where people fight each other (illegally of course) for money. The next day Abby meets the guy from the night before he’s sexy, has tattoos and is very sure of himself. Can you imagine his confusion when Abby shows no interest in him. Eventually they become friends and it’s obvious they like each other more than that, but what can Abby do she can’t be with a guy who sluts it up every night, that would just be degrading. As the story goes on Abby and Travis’ relationship becomes something more and they they go from extreme highs to extreme lows, their relationship is a bit of a yo-yo really.. Travis is actually really sweet and changes the person he is for better when things get serious with Abby, that’s not to say he still doesn’t make stupid mistakes though. The love they shared was extremely unhealthy and like Abby’s roomate Kara says “it’s dangerous” which it was, but who’s to say no to love?
The only thing that annoyed me about this book was the name he called Abby ‘pidgeon’?
I thought that was weird but I got over it.
I loved Abby’s friend America and her boyfriend Shep, also the roomate/friend of Travis. Their relationship was realistic and was adorable all the same. Shep was a great guy and a good friend to Travis, he was also good to America.

The ending was a little bit of a shocker for me but I wasn’t one to knock it. I was smiling and tearing up like a goofball by the end of the book. It’s definetely one to play with your heartstrings.

Favourite quotes of the book:

‘Travis: “I knew the second I met you that there was something special about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something I needed about you at all. It was just you.”’

‘Abby: “I’m done, Travis.”
He winced “don’t say that”
“It’s over. Go home”
His eyebrows pulled in. “You’re my home”’

‘“I’m going to kill David Lapinski!”
America announced, shaking snow out of her hair as she approached.
“Direct hit?” Shepley laughed. America shot him a warning glare and his laugh
Turned into a nervous chuckle “I mean... What an asshole.”’\

Young Love Murder - April Brookshire Review

Young Love Murder - April Brookshire

I went into this book wanting to try something new but was uncertain because the main character was an assassin who kills people. I lightened up on the idea a little while after thinking does she kill people? Yes. But are these people innocent? No.
Annabelle and Gabriel’s relationship was a rocky one and considering this was such a long book, the fighting, the making up, the more fighting was a hell of a roller coaster. There wasn’t really a start, middle and ending in this book because so many things happened there was too much to put into categories.

Annabelle attends the same school as sexy player Gabriel Sanchez while on her latest mission, this mission is to kill Xavier Sanchez, yep you got it Gabriel’s father. She gets close to him in order to get closer to his dad, but things take a turn for the worst. Annabelle starts growing strong feelings for Gabriel something she was taught to fight all her life. Gabriel once player now only has eyes for one girl. Annabelle. Like every other mission Annabelle has been given she completes the job. Gabriel also see’s her finish this mission and is left with a runaway love and the assumption that the only girl he’s ever had true feelings for has killed an innocent man, he’s father.
To sum this story up...
Gabriel runs off to Paris to find Anna with the idea that he is going to kill her, then decides he can’t do it, they fight, they make up, everything is super peachy, Gabriel has a breakdown, Gabriel shoots Anna, spends a few years in despair thinking he killed her, Gabriel finds Anna (guess she wasn’t dead after all), he chases her around, Anna shoots Gabriel to get even, Anna forgives Gabriel, happily ever after... Sort of..

So all in all I actually really did enjoy the book, I laughed at the idea of this actually happening in real life a few times, but got over it.
There were moments of truth, lies and deceit. But there were also moments of love, happiness and finding the one person who makes all of that possible. The love in this book was an unhealthy one, but if I was ever unlucky enough to find it I would fight for it just like Annabelle and Gabriel.
If you have the attention span to follow this great madness of a book to the end and love unhealthy romances then I suggest reading it!

★Favourite quote from the book:★

Annabelle's point of view:
“I want you back, Annabelle.” This time my laughter is full of nothing but genuine humor. It’s that ‘oh my god, I can’t believe that’ kind of humor. I lean forward and put my face in my palms, still laughing. “Holy crap,” I say in-between laughs, “that’s hilarious.” I peek up at him to see his disgruntled expression and then bust up laughing again.  “I’m serious,” he grunts out, looking cute in his exasperation, damn him. Not done, I hold up a hand. “Oh, oh, wait. Just let me go get my gun so you can shoot me again. Of course I want to get back together with you, Gabriel.” Putting on a serious face, I say earnestly, “He shoots me because he loves me.”

'First Loves a Killer... So is she'

How To Ruin - Simone Elkeles Series Review

 How To Ruin - Simone Elkeles Series Review

Where do I even start? This book was not what I expected. I seriously need to tone down with the expectations I think, considering they are usually (always) wrong.
This was yet another fantastic series well done for Simone Elkeles!
I can’t even describe how I felt through all this, I felt emotions that shouldn’t be felt together like wanting to cry and laugh at the same time?
There wasn’t any one of these books that wasn’t just as great as the one before it.

Amy and Avis relationship was a bumpy one starting from disliking one another to a no strings attached summer to an actual relationship! Who would have guessed right.
I think what I loved about this series the most was that it had the ability to be 100% serious but managed to make you laugh hysterically at the same time.
It all starts off when Amy’s sperm donor (as she likes to refer to him as) father, that is never in her life decides to come along and tell her she’s coming to meet his side of the family in Iraq for the summer, as you can imagine she’s thrilled, can’t wait to be spending her summer in a war zone, but highly to her dismay she doesn’t have a choice on the matter so off she goes to what she thinks will be the worst summer of her life, but turns out to be the best.
Avi the extremely attractive hot guy Amy meets while on her holiday is a jerk at first, well we learn later on that that was all just an act. Isn’t it always?
There are a million twists and turns during the series and I am not afraid to admit that I read it all in a matter of a few days. I literally could not put it down. The only exceptions I made were toilet breaks and the extreme minimal sleep that was needed to recharge my brain.

The story was amazing and might I add I even missed watching the new episode of GossipGirl, for this series.. That is saying something!

 ★Favourite Quote From the Book:★

" Running should be saved for the times you are being chased"
                                    - Amy

The Fallen Star Series - Jessica Sorensen

The Fallen Star Series - Jessica Sorensen

You know that saying ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover’? Well I think it’s safe to say a lot of people don’t follow this saying, me being one of them. I originally looked at the Fallen Star book because I thought the cover was beautiful, the story sounded alright and having nothing else to read I picked it up and read it. Turns out the book was even better than it’s pretty cover. The story was unique I read the first three books that were already out in a matter of a few days.. After what seemed like a year wait for the fourth book it did not disappoint. This series I think is my absolute favourite of all the series I have read.

The imagination behind every little aspect of the book was well thought out. There was so much put into this that made it what it was and without it, it wouldn’t be the book I loved so much.
Gemma and Alex’s relationship starts off as hating each other yet they are drawn to each other in some ways because of what they are and others just because they like each other.

The characters were absolutely fantastic! Alex was a jerk towards Gemma at first, sometimes with good reason and at other times just because he was a moody jerk. He did have some redeeming qualities about him though take out his extremely attractive looks, green eyes, and messy-but-in-an-intentional way hair he cared about Gemma and would do anything for her.
Gemma was a living breathing human for half her life who didn’t feel emotions until a special someone came around. Dealing with these new found emotions, a jerk of a guy she can’t stand but feel attracted to and a star that will come into play, she is pushed into a world she didn’t know existed.
There’s Asylon, Alex’s sister. Who you come to know a bit more towards the end of the series. And then there's Laylon the non-killing Vampire who him and Gemma form a friendship, and is the first person in all the madness of her life tells her the truth.
I think though my favourite character would have to be the mischievous Nicholas though, they say don’t trust a fairy and they are right on with that one. Nicholas plays a big part in the book and with all his crap he is really funny.

Such a great series and is most definitely worth your time, if you haven’t already read it.

A 5 Star Series!!

Shiver (The Wolves Of Mercy Falls) - Maggie Stiefvater Series Review

 Shiver (Wolves Of Mercy Falls) - Maggie StiefvaterThis was one of the first paranormal series I have ever read and it all started when mum got me shiver for christmas. I guess I have her to blame for my obsession for books since then..
I loved this series so much, it was different in ways of the story and Grace and Sams relationship was beautiful and unique and made my heart melt on more than one occasion.
They were both so different from each other yet both so much the same.
Sam grew up surrounded by people who cared about him although Beck who raised him was not blood related they were family and thats all that mattered. Grace grew up very independent, her parents had always given her more space than she needed, so much space that they never really knew what was going on in their daughters life.
Grace and Sam came from completely different worlds and made their own..
To sum up Sam in a few words he is a dark haired, yellow eyed, gorgeous, good with words guy who never knew what he wanted because he knew he couldn’t have it. When you grow up working your life around being a wolf with no remembrance of who you are in the winter and a normal human being with a memory of who you are in the summer, life can be a little tricky. But then theres Grace who brings out his best side and he who brings out hers.
You meet Cole in the second book and I love the person he becomes throughout the story and how he changes, I also loved Isobel and the part she plays in the books. Her and Coles ‘relationship’ I guess you could call it, was funny, complicated and heart warming all at the same time.
Throughout the series so much changes from book one until the last. Good, bad and everything in between. Definitely a series worth reading.

★Favourite quote’s from the series★;
 Shiver: Grace says to Sam: “Your beautiful and sad.
                                               Just like your eyes.
                                               Your like a song that I heard when I was a little kid but forgot
                                               I knew until I heard it again”
Linger: Isobel’s thoughts: “He and I, in this moment, were a car crash,
                                           And instead of putting on the breaks, I was hitting the         accelerator”

Saturday 8 September 2012

Angelfall - Susan Ee Review

Angelfall - Susan Ee

Not many books have the ability to have me hooked from the very first chapter, now that I think about it none have until this one.
Not even some of my all time favourites like The Fallen Star or How to Ruin A Summer Vacation...

In a future where angels take their place on earth claiming rights to a home that isn’t theirs, people are left fighting for their lives. Penryn is busy trying to keep safe her unstable mother and little sister Paige stuck in a wheel chair, but running for your life isn’t always easy. Paige is stolen by an angel and her mother has run off again (it wouldn’t be the first time). Penryn takes an injured (extremely attractive) angel under her wing (haha wing get it?) in the hopes of getting it to help her get her little sister back, and if that fails there's always a plan B. She has his wings that were cut off.

After much deliberation and sleeping from the angel he agrees to help her but not without anything in return.. As the story goes on Raffe and Penryn become frenemies I guess you could say, growing closer and forming feelings both of them should not be feeling for the other. A lot happens during the book to leave your heart pounding.
Fighting for your life comes at a price and saving the people you love isn’t always easy.

I loved this book so much I honestly can’t put it into words.. If you could see my face right now that would probably sum it up a little. But seeings you can’t your just going to have to take my word for it. The next book doesn’t come out until 2013 sometime, lets hope I don’t go into a depressive state waiting for it before then..

★Favourite quotes from the book★:

'Raffe: “I knew from the start that your loyalty would get you killed. I just never thought it would be your loyalty to me that would do it”'

'Penryn: I never thought it before, but I’m proud to be human. We’re ever so flawed, We’re frail, confused, violent, and we struggle with so many issues. But all in all, I’’m proud to be a daughter of man.'